Friday, January 7, 2011

BOOK # 4

It took me a long time to get through this book. Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society. I am sorry for those who have read it and enjoyed it. I hate to admit that I did not enjoy this book at all. I knew there were going to be books that I would "have" to finish, I just didn't think it would come this early on in the game.
We follow a bunch of characters after World War I in Europe. We have the main character who is a writer, and she is sent a letter from a man in Guernsey. Story goes on to find they had started their own book club, blah blah blah. I am sorry, I am trying to find something good to write. Don't hate the messenger, and remember I am not a professional, this is just a challenge, and this is just my opinion.
The most major thing I did not enjoy about this book was the format. It was written in letters to people. So and so to so and so and so forth. It was hard for me to keep track of the story and characters because of the fomat. Nonetheless, if you have read this book, please let me know what you thought of it, and if you haven't read this book, please do not take my word 100%. The saddest thing that could come out of this blog is deterring people from reading because of what I wrote about it. Just read, read anything, and tell me about it. So for the rating, well, since I do not have a "did not like" rate, I am adding it now. I hope to not use this rating very much, but I am giving this book, "did not like"
Happy reading... Book #5: The Help! I just have to locate a copy!


  1. I liked Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Society--didn't love it or anything, but I'm glad I read it. I think you'll love The Help. It's a perspective everyone should at least explore once, and wonderfully written. Happy reading! xo

  2. I am getting totally sick of the stuff I have been reading lately, I need to find something new to get me excited again. Maybe I will check out The Help. Love you both!!!

  3. I really liked this book! It's okay to have different opinions:) The Help-SO GOOD. I hope you like it!
