Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Do Angels have Wings?

"Oh, Oh, I believe, there are ANGELS among us. Sent down to us, from someone up above." Those are lyrics from a great song by Alabama, featuring Alan Jackson. You can not go wrong with that ensemble, am I right? I find and know this lyric to be true. We do walk with angels on a daily basis and some are here to protect us, while the others are here to teach us. Teach us lessons, we all need to learn.

In The Company of Angels, written by Pamela Jean Lyman, and other parents, is a book that gives us an up close and personal look into children who are Angels. These children, of all ages, races and backgrounds, have been diagnosed with Angelman Syndrome. "AS is a severe neurological disorder characterized by profound developmental delays, problems with motor coordination and balance, and epilepsy."(1) That was taken straight from the introduction. I chose to quote that word for word, because, I like many human beings and a parent myself, did not know what AS was. This book, is a collection of stories, all TRUE, about families living with an angel. They walk us through the diagnosis, the heartache, the sleep less nights, and just their average, trying to be normal life.

My oldest sister, Angela, is my angel. She is one of the strongest people I know. She came to earth 100% perfect. My mom recalls her birth. It snowed. She was an angel. The first born. As she grew, she had long golden hair. She was smart, knew all her colors, numbers and letters. She helped care for my older brother, Mark, and me, when I came along. Then, at age 5, after many tests and trips to the doctor, Angela, was diagnosed with a brain tumor located on her pituitary gland. My parents, put their faith and trust in the Lord, and the talented doctors. Angela, went into surgery to have the tumor removed. Little did my parents know, she would not come out the same.

She has always been my sister. I have not known her any other way. Some people stare. She was teased. I was teased, because of her. I remember getting into a fight with some girls in middle school, because they were making fun of her. Not a good idea. For those girls. I was pretty feisty in my youth. She is our angel. We all made the choice to come to earth. We chose our bodies, challenges and family. Angela, and these others ANGELS in this book, chose wisely. They knew what they were doing. They were counseled by our Loving Father in Heaven. We, should watch and pay close attention to them. They know the way home.

These stories, insights, will make you laugh and cry. I have the honor of knowing one of the moms and her family. Wonderful family. When Nick and I were first married, this couple stood out as an example of what marriage should look like. They love each other and their children. Through good times and bad. They never give up.

AS is different and the same for these families. They all struggle with their Angel falling asleep, and communicating. One story that hit me to the core, was the story of Elijah. His story, are now memories. Seizures are common with Angels. "When Elijah first started having seizures it was pretty dramatic; he would have as many as 150-200 drop seizures a day." "...nothing prepared me for having to watch as seizures took control of my son's body and feeling completely helpless."(2) Parents should never feel helpless, but times will come when we do. Have you ever seen someone have a seizure. They come in all shapes and sizes. But no matter which one you witness, it is scary.

In October of 2008, on an early Monday morning, Emmah, snuck in our bed. Nick had already left for work. Dasher was sleeping in his bed, and little Bosston was in between Emmah and me. I didn't know why she snuck in bed at the time, but just about 30 minutes later, I found out. All of the sudden, I could hear, what sounded like a shopping cart rattling on the street. I looked up, to find my four year old daughter in full convulsion. I quickly snapped out of whatever sleep was left in me and yelled for Dasher. He grabbed my phone as I watched all of this unfold. You are not to touch or disturb them. I can't believe I remembered that . I dialed 911, EMT/Paramedics came. Scariest thing I have had to do thus far.

Emmah was diagnosed with epilepsy. She is fine and has not had an episode since that October morning. I know why Emmah came into bed that morning. An angel, of another sort, carried her in. If she would have stayed in her bed, I would have never known. She could've suffered other injuries. I am thankful for those angels.

In the Company of Angels, will educate you. It will open your eyes to a special need that many do not know about. Hopefully, it will reach all those doctors who, after parents pushed for testing, came to the conclusion of AS. Some, most of those doctors, need a lesson in bed side manner. Reading their response to the parents, was hard. Some were harsh. Some were emotionless. I would've punched them in the face! Cheers to the families. To the moms and dads and support groups. Cheers to the simple things. Cheers to the hugs, and laughter. Cheers to the Angels.

People with special needs are special because they are better than us. It's true. "Different is not a negative term, but a neutral one.A disability does not make us better or worse, just different."(3)

You can order your copy either on Amazon, or by going to http://www.tatepublishing.com/bookstore/book.php?w=9781621475644
and as always, Happy Reading

(1)In The Company of Angels. Preface. page 11
(2) In The Company of Angels. Faith Journey by Darren Humphries page210
(3) In The Company of Angels. Entering Oz by Andrera Carlassare page 193

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Don't forget the bug spray!!!!

Mosquitoes are a nuisance. They can ruin any outdoor activity. The bite and itch can put any happy person into a sour mood. But what if the mosquito was being manipulated to take out entire populations? Sounds like a good story line huh? Bloodborne,  by Gregg Luke is a medical thriller. It has twists and turns that will definitely make sure you don't forget your mosquito net.
Dr. Erin Cross, a genius in my opinion, has dedicated her life to science. Growing up in an athletic family, she was considered somewhat of an outcast due to her lack of physical strength. Where she lacked physically, she made up for it intellectually. Her credentials are quite impressive, but the hermit lifestyle she was living will take a huge walk on the wild side.
Lunchtime. Nothing out of the ordinary, when text messages interrupt her sandwich and soda. When all of a sudden gun fire, strange men saving the day, more gun fire, people following in the distance, Dr. Erin Cross was now on the run. But where? Why? And from Who?
To be honest, I am not much of a thrill seeker. I don't even like to read "scary" or suspenseful type books. I like cheery, happy ending stories. I was a bit hesitant. Until Chapter 3. I was hooked. Gregg Luke captures the reader with this awesome storyline. Having seen all of the Bourne movies, and loved them, and with the new outbreak movie, Contagion, out, this book gets your brain moving. Erin meets Sean Flannery in a not so Disney way. He saved her and will soon save her again. Jacob Krantz (one of his alias') is a twisted scientist afraid of flying. His boss, some random weakling who climbed some cult tower to the top, Magnus, is one twisted son of a gun. If this movie makes it to screen, I think Lucius Malfoy from Harry Potter should play him. He would do great.
Erin and Jacob were working together on a vaccine for H1N1. Something went terribly wrong, and soon Jacob was gone, leaving Erin to clean up the mess.
This story has a  great plot. I even liked it better at the end, because it didn't take a sappy love story ending like I assumed earlier. If you like the television show, CSI, you are sure to love Gregg Luke's novel, Bloodborne.
you can purchase your own copy from Amazon: www.amazon.com/Bloodborne-Gregg-Luke/dp/B005FTQHQ2 also you can check out his website at: http://www.greggluke.com/
and as always, Happy Reading.................Heidi

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

All Diets Work...

Raise your hand if you have said this phrase once or twice in your lifetime, "I am going on a diet." Or how about this one, " I will start tomorrow." Now keep your hand raised if you've said this, "I hope I enjoy this meal, it's my last supper." I am pretty sure your hand is in the air. Most women, and men, have uttered these words, and most of us have started, failed, and started again. What is wrong with us? Nothing.

Jen Brewer, RD and author of All Diets Work: that's the problem, lays out simply 25 tools to help you get healthy. Well, she actually says, "25 tools to help you stop dieting and start losing weight for good." Simple book. Easy read. Only 132 pages and that includes some recipes, and credits.

I am a mommy of four. I have been married for 10.5 years. I did not look the way I look now when I married my Mr. Four babies, all of them delivered via c-section, did some damage on my girlie figure. Of course, I am ever grateful for these miracles we have together, but sometimes, I shudder when I look at myself. Yuck!!! Nothing a good pair of "spanx" can't cover up, but sometimes I just want to be able to slide right into a great pair of jeans and strut like no one is watching; when really, a lot of people are.

In February of this year, I got a great job at a gym. I work two hours a week, and with that my whole family gets free membership. JACKPOT!! The answer to my prayers. I needed motivation and tools to help me get healthy. I was a whopping 234 pounds. OUCH that even hurts to type and let you readers know that. I started going full force. I was running. I have never been a runner, but I was running. A month later, I stepped on the scale. What the heck?! I weighed the same. Not possible right? Yes, it was. I was only doing half of the equation. My "diet" was the same. Nothing changed there. I still snacked on chocolate, unhealthy snacks and my children's plates. I had to stop doing that. That was and still is the hard part of my body makeover.

I am going to be turning 30 in few weeks. I can say, I am happy with where I am, but I still need some work. I am enjoying the process and that makes it doable. This book, All Diets Work, was my lightbulb. She writes of things I already kind of knew, but she puts it so simply. In English. No doctor talk. Plain words for one struggling with weight. It's a book with structure. It is beautifully laid out to flip through, skim, and learn. I read the book cover to cover, but now I can just go to the Table of Contents, scroll to a page, read that, and be satisfied. The book is broken down into four sections: The Diet Dilema, Principles, Tools, and What's in YOUR toolbox. In section 3: Tools, she has the 25 ways to jumpstart your lifestyle change and stick with it. My favorite part, the testimonials of people she has helped. We even get checklists, recipes, meal planning tools, and a STOP sign that we can copy and put places so we know when to stop. I am a visual person, so this is a tool that I will use. My kitchen just might turn into a construction site!!

Since that second date with the scale in March, the one where I saw no results, I have changed. I have lost 20 pounds, and kept it off. I have gone from a size 18-20 to a comfortable 14-16. Not huge results, but I know this weight is never coming back. I didn't gain it over night, so I know I am not going to lose it overnight. Slow and steady. Now, after reading this book, I can pick new tools to help me continue my journey. I especially like tool #3,9,10,13, and 20. Grab the book and find out what those are!!! Happy Reading.... Heidi Durant

here's the link to purchase your own copy: http://www.amazon.com/All-Diets-Work-Thats-Problem/dp/0983514070/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1313871011&sr=8-1

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Hello Again?!

BOOO to being lame and not reading since forever. I am sorry. I have read some books, if you count Diary of A Wimpy Kid, Flat Stanley, and a whole lot of others that come with four kids reading this summer?!
I just finished a book this am. I am amazed at how slow I have been reading. I am entertaining four sometimes more children each day, but alas, I love reading and when I do find a minute, I cherish it.
All That Was Promised, by Vickie Hall. Beautiful book. I think I am a little biased to some books I have been reading. So far, most of the books have been great. I love them.
This book is about the early Saints of the Church (LDS CHURCH) in Wales. Joseph Smith has just been martyred, but the missionary work is still going strong. Elder Ben Lachlan is a missionary preaching in a small town, Cardiff. Richard Kenyon, and minister of another religion hears this man speaking of the gospel and asks to hear more. Minutes turn to hours, which leads to the next day. Richard Kenyon, along with his brother in law and sister in law are baptized. His wife, Leah, is supportive, but does not wish to be baptized.
Of course, this book might sound all hunky dorey and such, but let us remember, this is back in the day right after the church has been restored. People hated, and I mean hated the Mormons. We were persecuted, scorned, ridiculed and many lost their lives by the hatred of others. These few Saints were no different. Houses were burned, people beaten, jobs lossed, animals slain. Horrible things. But a small branch of faithful Saints pressed forward. Richard wife does join her husband in the fullness of the gospel! Lives are improved, enriched and beloved.
After reading this book, although fiction, the stories are real. I felt an overwhelming sense of gratitude for these families. They paved the way for me, and my family. I have ancestors who treked west with the Saints. I am lineage traced back to Brigham Young (2nd Latter Day Prophet). I am sure in my history there are stories just like these. I am proud to be a member of the restored gospel of Jesus Christ. I know that this is the only true church on the face of the Earth. I know that even though they were hated, they stood strong, and so shall we still to this day.
Happy Reading, check this book out. You won't be disappointed.
All the Was Promised, by Vickie Hall

*** Heidi Durant***

Thursday, June 9, 2011

a sneak peak of what's to come

I know, this is not a book. But if I were to write on, this would be my cover. A mom of four, trying to give her Mr. a smooch! Look at those crazies just dancing away, and Lucy stole my shoes! Lorna took our pictures. She did great. Wanna see more? go to her website. Go to her facebook page. She's really talented. www.carmanphoto.com or search CarmanPhotography on facebook. click LIKE once you get there. Then hire her to take YOUR pictures, and share them with me!!!
Have you read a good book? Let me know. I need some good summer reading!

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

a little sidetracked note for you

The Giving Tree
This book is about a tree and she loves a little boy. They play together, he swings on her branches, eats her apples and sits in her shade. The boy climbs up her trunk and plays hide and go seek. They are best friends. But the boy grows up and moves away. The tree is sad. Then one day, he comes home and the tree is happy. She is so happy that she gives the boy everything: leaves and branches for a home, and her trunk for a boat. The tree gave her life for the boy and they were both happy.
Jesus Christ died for me. He prayed for my sins, gave me life and because of Him, I can have eternal life. Jesus Christ is my Savior and that makes me happy. I will live my life to make him happy.

Emmah's primary talk that she gave on Sunday. She wrote this herself... something to think about this Easter Season... Happy Reading.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Great Mystery

I can not believe I finished this book already. You know, being a stay at home mommy really does has its advantages! Today around 12:30, I hit the power button on my beloved bookworm. I scrolled down my library, and highlighted my recently downloaded copy of Travis Slone's novel, The Great Mystery, and by 5:55 this evening, I was hitting the power button again. Done and Done!!!
The prologue to this book sent a tear down my cheek. I have known Summer, his wife, for years now. I could see this scared wife and mommy in my head; and it stood out more, because I could see my best friend saying good bye to her husband as they rushed him into the O.R. Summer told me about the "squeeze" when we were young, and I too have adapted my own version of " I love you" with my Mr. We sqeeze two times!! I know these two people love each other, and when I continued to read this novel, I could sense the reality of this dream that Travis and translated into a book.
This book was interesting. Our two main characters, Eva and Amir start out as young children. Strangers, yet soon to be friends. What happens, I can't really tell you because I would end up telling you the whole story, and you really should read it for yourself. So many important people and words of wisdom are spoken throughout this book. These two young souls become full grown adults not only physically, but mentally, and spiritually as well.
Eva, and Amir reminded me at times, to be like Adam and Eve. They are two lone beings, with this whole world around them, and they are searching for something, a treasure that will unite all of humanity. Adam and Eve were the first two people on this earth, and they were commanded to multiply the earth. I saw Eva and Amir's quest for the treasure similar to that commandment. Sure, they weren't multiplying, but they were trying to make things better; trying to ensure peace for their people.
The Great Mystery. What is that? Is that something we are all looking for? Have you found your own great mystery? If so, please share. At the end of this book, like the book previous, The Third, I found myself wanting more. Honestly, I was confused at why it ended the way it did. It's like a movie that just ends, and leaves you to ponder what goes on after. That is how I thought this book was, but once you continue to read the Epilogue, you realize that that is where Travis' journey with Eva and Amir ended. That brings me to the epilogue. Travis, if you read this, answer me this... did that really happen? Summer, did that really happen? I won't tell my other readers what I am wanting to know, but once you read the book, you too will want to know. So, all I need from you Mr. and Mrs. Slone, is a yes or a no, and I will leave it at that.
Travis, thank you for writing this book. I think you might have sparked a flame that has been burning inside me to do the same. This story shines a different light on things, whether you believe in God or not. Science, or fate. It was my pleasure to read this!
Happy Reading, and don't forget to comment, follow, and share!!