So, did you get a copy of The Book Of Mormon? If you would like one to read along with me, just let me know. I will send it your way free of charge!! We started reading last night, and it was so sweet to hear our three older children sounding out the words of the scriptures. I think I got a little emotional. We started with the Title Page, and the Introduction. I know, some people might skip that part, but there is much to be said and learned from reading those two pages. Let me share a few of my favorite things that stuck out to me.
First of all, let me tell the first time readers, and those not members of the church. Joseph Smith DID NOT write this book, he translated this book. The Book of Mormon states on it's title page this, "An account written by the Hand of Mormon upon the plates taken from the plates of Nephi." This book was buried then recovered by Joseph Smith by power of revelation. HE saw God, the Father, and His Son, Jesus Christ. An angel appeared to him, and told him where to find the plates. Now, onto a few passages. In the introduction, the words are laid out so we know what we are reading. "A volume of holy scripture comparable to the Bible. It is a record of God's dealing with the ancient inhabitants of the Americas and contains, as does the Bible, the fulness of the everlasting gospel." I think this is why some people believe we are different from other religions. Well, duh? The Book of Mormon does make us different, but readers, it is scripture. The Bible was written over there (Eastern lands) and this book talks about people over here in America (mostly south.) People were on the earth at this time, just like in times of John the Baptist, and Matthew, and Esther, and when we read about the Good Samaritan, good things were happening in America too. Moving on! Without writing every last bit of the introduction, I will just paraphrase... Inside these 500 some odd pages is the "keystone." Christ appears to the Nephites, and peace and salvation is given to them. Joseph Smith translated these words by the gift of God. There are witnesses and their testimony, (on the next page and blog) An invitation to you and I quote, "We invite all men everywhere to read the Book of Mormon, to ponder in their hearts the message is contains, and then to ask God, the Eternal Father, in the name of Christ if the book is true. Those who pursue this course and ask in faith will gain a testimony of its truth and divinity by the power of the Holy Ghost."
My dear friends. Please don't disregard this post because you think it is not for you. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints can bring you true happiness now and into the eternities. I have seen how it has changed lives, both young and old. If you know someone who is seeking guidance or help, pass this post on. Let them read it and find out for themselves. Just because some have an opinion about the church and the standards we live, doesn't mean we are not good people. We are good people. We put others needs before our own. We serve with all of our being, and this is my attempt to serve YOU. I am happy, and know that you too will be happy. Now, continue to follow, read, comment, and share. Ask me questions, and we will grow and learn together. I love my followers, and readers. I want YOU to know that. Happy Reading!!
on a different note, I will also be reading a new book by Abel Keogh. It is entitled, The Third. Don't worry about buying it, because it has yet to be released. I just received a first edition, that I have the opportunity to read before anyone else! I am very excited about this challenge, and hope it gets my name and blog out there for others to read!!! Bring it on publishers!
Hope you enjoy The Third. :-)