I find it fitting that today, I post this post. Last night, during our scripture reading of our book, we read the Testimonies of the Three and Eight Witnesses. After we finished the names of the eight, I told our children this, "this is one reason we know the Book of Mormon to be true. Joseph Smith did not make any of this up. He was led, by an angel, to the plates, and they were made of gold. He was counseled to show them to these men, and they have written their own words here, so that everyone who reads the Book of Mormon will know they are true." It is important for all to know this is not a fairy tale. So many people have ridiculed us, and our beloved late Prophet, Joseph Smith saying he was dealing with witchcraft and what not. My dear friends and readers, the testimonies are here for you to read. These men, were men of God; friends, and family, but most important, righteous men.
So, why am I posting this today? Well, on April 6, 1830, 181 years ago today, this church, The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints was restored, at the home of Peter Whitmer. OOhh recognize that name? Yes, that's right, the same Peter Whitmer that is listed as one of the eight witnesses. Happy Restoration Day!!
Last night we also started reading, "The Testimony of the Prophet Joseph Smith." I LOVED the fact that Dasher read teh first three paragraphs and instantly recognized them as part of The First Vision. The Angel Moroni appeared to him and told him of his mission. "He called me by name, and said unto me that he was a messenger sent from the presence of God to me, and that his name was Moroni; that God had a work for me to; and that my name should be had for good and evil among all nations, kindreds, and tongues, or that it should be both good and evil spoken of among all people." How true is that? Even today, many people referred to him as Joe Smith; a farm boy who "saw angels and gold plates." Well, good job, that is true, but they are forgetting, that Joseph Smith was preordained to bring about Christ's Church in this dispensation. It is such a relief to be reading these words in these days of wars, desolation, and governement downfall. Tonight, we shall continue His testimony, and so until then, Happy Reading!
again, please direct any followers, comments, and questions my way!!
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